
Advanced search for housemates in Alamo Square, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA

Photo of Ryan


22 years · Male · Software Engineer


Software Engineer trying to retire early; I'm an avid soccer player, so the most I probably will ever be loud is when I'm watching a soccer game. Also, love having deep conversations and watching movies.

Roommate looking in: Alamo Square, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Fillmore District, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Japantown, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA & Mission District, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA.


22 years · Male · SWE


My roommate and I are both SWE, recent graduates from Berkeley, and are looking to find a 3rd housemate to join a beautiful home. In SF especially, 2 bedrooms are cramped and 3 bedrooms are too pricey. Looking for someone who is chill, down to spend time together (occasionally), and clean to join ou...

Roommate looking in: Duboce Triangle, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Mission Dolores, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Alamo Square, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA & Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA.

Photo of Izzy Kakala

Izzy Kakala

22 years · Male · Substance Use Navigator


My name is Izzy Kakala. I’m a 22 y.o. Male, a Harvard undergrad on a gap year, and working at Sutter Health in Duboce (CPMC Davies campus). For work, I work with patients dealing with substance abuse disorder and connect them with resources for treatment and recovery. I work 10am - 6pm in person...

Roommate looking in: Western Addition, San Francisco, CA, Duboce Triangle, San Francisco, CA, Alamo Square, San Francisco, CA, North of Panhandle (NoPa), San Francisco, CA & Mission District, San Francisco, CA.


23 years · Male · Engineer


I'm currently a graduate student at Stanford interning in SF for the summer (mid-June to mid-Sept) and looking for a small place to live. I'm clean, respectful, and outgoing. My schedule would consist of working the normal workday and typically only be there in the evening to sleep during the weekda...

Roommate looking in: North of Panhandle (NoPa), San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Financial District, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, South Beach, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, Dogpatch, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA & Potrero Hill, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA.

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