Roommates & rooms Verona, IL

Photo of Nikki's room

Mazon, IL

Furnished room in a house

$600 inc.

Room has a bed, dresser, closet, and side tables. Property has a large, fenced-in backyard and patio. There's a garage to store things in. I also don't mind sharing the other room that I keep my animals' things in if you want to store stuff in there or whatever.

About 4.1mi from Verona, IL

Photo of Dustin


38 years · Male · Rental coordinator


Very laid back and go with the flow kinda guy. I'm organized and clean. To each their own mentality. Prefer animals over humans, lol. Would be looking for a minimum stay of 6 months. Mid to late August move in would be ideal.

Roommate looking in: Mazon, Grundy County, IL.

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