Student housemates in Virginia Beach Town Center, Virginia Beach, VA

Photo of Bianca


23 years · Female · Myself


Hi, I am recently retired from the military and falling into a hardship where I need to find a room to rent. I have two kids who visit on the weekends. I love to draw or do my make up in my free time. Currently working at hot topic. I’m a very outgoing person and although I don’t tend to be social o...

Roommate looking in: Lynnhaven, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach city, VA.


43 years · Male · Municipal Grounds Keeper l


Hello. I Chandell, who would be a great person to live with because I am open-minded, I'm very respectful and polite, I am orderly organized. I am also a clean, neat sanitized individual. In conclusion I am a people person with a mundane personality

Roommate looking in: Lynnhaven, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach city, VA, Norfolk, Norfolk city, VA, North Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach city, VA, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach city, VA & Landtown, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach city, VA.

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