
Advanced search for housemates in Pleasant Manor, Hampton, VA

Photo of Lore

Lore & Lorelei

16 & 41 years · Females · Teacher


Hello! So im a teacher and server. It would be me and my 6 year old. I homeschool and we travel during the week and on weekends the little one will be at grandmas house. We are heavy sleepers and enjoy gardening, reading, music, and arts. We speak Spanish, English and German. Please let me know...

Roommate looking in: Hampton, Hampton city, VA.

Photo of Karina


27 years · Female · Hospitalith


My fiancé and I will be the other people sharing the home. We’re chill, quiet and polite and mostly just hang out with our two dogs when we’re not at work

Roommate looking in: Hampton, Hampton city, VA.

Photo of Katie


24 years · Female · I am a nanny and my husband is a supervisor foreman with the HRBT expansion project


My husband and I are both laid back, chill people who enjoy peace and quiet, and we have a sweet 2.5 year old beagle who is used to apartment life and not a howler, but loves all people :)

Roommate looking in: Williamsburg, Williamsburg city, VA, Portsmouth, Portsmouth city, VA, Suffolk, Suffolk city, VA, Chesapeake, Chesapeake city, VA & Hampton, Hampton city, VA.

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