
Advanced search for housemates in North Jericho, Suffolk, Suffolk city, VA

Photo of Stevie DeAngelo Watson

Stevie DeAngelo Watson

49 years · Male · HVAC technician


I'm a very down to earth non judgemental person. I am not hard to accommodate but very accommodating I meet people where they are so I'm very easy to get along with. In addition to that I have two jobs so basically I'm hardly available, Weekends are always with my daughter on account of my schedule...

Roommate looking in: Suffolk, Suffolk city, VA.


36 years · Male · Active Duty Military


Active duty military. Gone on weekends to see wife in MD. Quiet and I tend to stay in my room outside of essentials (laundry, cleaning, bathroom use, etc).

Roommate looking in: Suffolk, Suffolk city, VA.

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