Male housemates in College Hill, Worcester, Worcester County, MA

Photo of Hermes


25 years · Male · Behavioral Therapist


I’m pretty laid back, I go to work come back, I’m quiet and stick to myself although if I have roommates I hang out with them, if they want to , I can on top of my rent contribute a significant portion of food money to the house so there will always be food for us to eat, I’m very friendly to all w...

Roommate looking in: New York, New York County, NY, Worcester, Worcester County, MA, Webster Square, Worcester, Worcester County, MA & Auburn, Worcester County, MA.

Mario, Xavier & Xavier

20 years · Males · Warehouse worker


just looking to live together and be independent together knowing we basically did our job and have a space to call our own. A serious responsibility to take on that we are all ready for.

Roommate looking in: Worcester, Worcester County, MA.

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