Female housemates in Chamberlayne, Richmond, Henrico County, VA

Photo of Haley


25 years · Female · Patient care assistant


I’m just a single mother of 1 who will be 1 years old March 28th she was born a premie, I will be starting school in April as a medical assistant, I work with the Elderly helping assist them with their daily needs and taking them to and from doctors appt and etc. I’m just trying to start somewhere s...

Roommate looking in: Chamberlayne Heights Chamberlayne, Richmond, Henrico County, VA, Hopewell, Hopewell city, VA, Petersburg, Petersburg city, VA, Henrico, Henrico County, VA & Richmond, Richmond city, VA.

Photo of anthony


30 years · Male · CCMA/ Medical Assistant


Hey, I'm Anthony. I'm Currently a nurse at neurosurgical. I'm just an all around genuine and considerate person. I have many interests and pretty easy going so nothing really bothers me. I have a daughter who's 2 that i get every other week. I typically stay to myself on any given day but don't mind...

Roommate looking in: Varina, Henrico, Henrico County, VA, Kenwood, Hopewell, Hopewell city, VA, Sabot, Manakin Sabot, Goochland County, VA, Woodvale, Chester, Chesterfield County, VA & Chamberlayne Heights Chamberlayne, Richmond, Henrico County, VA.

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