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Arturo's room

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Shared room with shared bathroom
$500 per month
Security deposit
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
šŸš™ Parking available
šŸ–„ Internet included
Students welcome

About the room

Hello! If you are looking to save up some money, I have a 1bd apartment where I currently live and I am willing to share it with someone for some time as it will help me save up some more money. I have one of the best views in Santa Rosa, two parking spaces, and a nice swimming pool. We can make some arrangements so we can both stay there for a short period of time.

About the roomies

I work full time in a hospital and live a pretty healthy lifestyle. Iā€™m trying to save up some money for future projects that I have and I am willing to share the place with someone that needs to save up some money as well.

Arturo's verifications