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Alexandra's room

Simi Valley, CA 93063

Shared room with shared bathroom
$1,200 per month
Security deposit
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Anyone welcome
Available on
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

Bedroom is 140 sq ft. The house is 2,076 sq feet, complete access to the kitchen, dining, living room, and washer & dryer room. Month to month lease. Plentiful parking outside. Overnight guests welcome and friends welcome to visit. Walking distance to restaurants, shopping centers, farmers market, movie theater, coffee shop, bowling alley and recreation. Very close to freeway for commuters.

About the roomies

My name is Alex, I am a CPA and property manager for this house. Owner does not live in the home, each room is rented out by young adults.

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