Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room Photo of waseem's room
Free to message
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
2 roomies
$850 per month
Security deposit
Property type
Room furnishing
Preferred gender
Females & males (no couples)
Available on
Background checks will be required for this room
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About the room

Room available with private bathroom in a 2 Br 2 ba apartment in Panama City Beach, FL off Thomas drive, walking distance to Dollar General, Publix, and Windixie. right by the Navy base. on a safe quiet dead end street.

brand new bedroom furniture and mattress. was just renovated with new flooring and fresh paint. you will get the master bedroom suite.

850$/mo + half utilities or 950$/mo all included. available immediately.

you must:

1- have clean background. will run back ground check 2- show 6 recent paystubs. 3- be single (man or woman) no couples. it’s a small place. we can discuss overnight guests when everything else is out of the way 4- not smoke in the unit. outside on the back patio is ok 5- not have dogs. one cat is ok with pet deposit. I don’t have pets. and we can keep it this way.

I am the owner. I’ll be out most of the time. If you are interested, introduce yourself

About the roomies

you must:

1- have clean background. will run back ground check 2- show 6 recent paystubs. 3- be single (man or woman) no couples. it’s a small place. we can discuss overnight guests when everything else is out of the way 4- not smoke in the unit. outside on the back patio is ok 5- not have dogs. one cat is ok with pet deposit. I don’t have pets. and we can keep it this way.

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